Pedrick’s Garden, Greenville SC 29609. Copyright 2014 Craig Gaulden Davis.
The South Carolina Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects has awarded Pedrick’s Garden at Little Falls Park its highest honor, the President’s Award of Excellence. The awards jury of the SCASLA unanimously voted to give the award to McLeod Landscape Architects, the landscape architect of record, who worked from original plans by JMMDS.
The award is shared by McLeod Landscape Architects, the City of Greenville, Julie Messervy Design Studios, Craig Gaulden Davis Architects, and the Carolina Foothills Garden Club.
Pedrick’s Garden was created in memory of Pedrick Lowery, a member of Carolina Foothills Garden Club who helped to create Falls Park. In the original JMMDS designs, the Sunflower Gardens took their inspiration from Pedrick’s love of gardening and her favorite flower.

Pedrick’s Garden was opened in August 2014.

Concrete sunflower-shaped planters
Learn more about JMMDS’s work on Little Falls Park.
Photos, except where noted, by Edward A. Kinney, Senior Landscape Architect, City of Greenville Parks & Recreation.
Cedrick’s Garden is a prime example of the current trend. That is, not really a ‘garden’ in the traditional sense, but a piece of hardscape architecture. This implies that the title “landscape architect” is passe. This is strictly outdoor architecture with a minimum of growing plants.